Its 4:53 in the morning I have been up since like 2 am. So I figured I would tell you that I received my sample t-shirts from my Honey and Pig Store. If everything goes right I think it will be finished by Monday!!!! I am soooo excited. its very cute. I will post a photos tomorrow, today I mean. Is it wrong to eat breakfast at 4:56?
I am pretty sure Pauly will not be happy with me if I do that. I am thinking waffles with cocoa and maybe something else. Ideally with bacon and eggs and fruit but more realistically it will just be eggs and spinach or something.
Lots to do today I was feeling pretty yucky all week so I didn't finish all the things I was supposed to do. If I can defrost my hands I may work on some Illustrations for the poem I told you about.
So here's what I have to do today.........
1. Laundry
2. Return some things at some stores.
3. Buy gold paint cause we are making the coolest castle on the entire planet at school......they voted and Golden Castle won by a landslide.
4. Technically... hit the gym. but that might not happen
5. Mall visit to jcrew for 2 headbands. Miss Avril needs one too.
6. Clean the house- check. made Pauly help me last night. ..... that's what you get for watching LOST without me.
7. Work on Verna's illustrations
8. Finish the Honey and Pig store
9. go to Flu's CD release party in Manchester, Ct.
10. oh maybe get some sleep since that doesn't seem to be happening now.

I'd also like to squeeze in some toe nail polish at some point.
if I do that now I will probably get really sleepy and ruin the paint job cause I pass out.
but sadly I am not tired.
Hi Marco sounds good. I like your blog too.
ReplyDeleteMiss Kate.. you have to tell me where to get that nail polish!!!!!!! - Miss Robin