Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ruffle Shade...

I was bored with some things in my apartment so I found a lamp... I think it was in
 Pauly's car and then I re-did the shade....
I think it came out rather well.

Yes, my husband sleeps in a pink and brown stripped room with a ruffly lamp shade. 
And pink sheets....

Here are some more hair things I made....

And here and more tomatoes and a cucumber from my garden. 

Yes, I am still very proud of myself. 
They are really good organic tomatoes. 
And its rained so much that a lot of people lost their gardens this year, which means my garden is magical cause I have no idea what I am doing and I grew veggies!

Either that or my father snuck into the garden and poured miracle grow all over the place so my veggies would grow......

 or he goes to Stop & Shop and buys new veggies that he glues in my garden everyday so that I won't be sad to figure out that I am a bad gardener. 

I will have to ask him. 

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